Monday, June 17, 2013 Today’s been so fast! We got up whenever the rooster decided to wake us up… well, it was more like the 3rd or 4th rooster’s crow. It was sometime around 6am, I guess. I haven’t looked at a watch since the beginning of the trip, and I rather like it! Today was our first day of Kids’ Games, and overall I would say it was a success! We worked really hard to bring the kids out of their shells. Bethany & I are teaching the kids the memory verse, and Steph &Max are working through the gospel colors over our two days working with the kids. I’m so thankful the gospel is being shared so clearly with the kids and the adults who are watching from the sidelines! Steph also had gospel bracelets that her church made to hand out, so all the kids get to take home a reminder of what they learned – awesome! Tom and I had 13 kids on our verde/green team. There were 5 teams in total, so I’m estimating that we had somewhere around 75 kids, if my math is trustworthy. ;) It was a good number! It was also really hot, lol, so after we finished, we all headed directly for the swimming hole. All during that time, the girls were reminding me that we had promised to work on our beaded jewelry again that afternoon, so around 4ish, we finally got settled at home and broke out the beads again. There had to have been at least 15 girls and women sitting around in a circle on our floor, with several men and boys chillin’ off to the side visiting with the guys. After dinner and everyone went home (it gets dark in the houses really early!), we were invited to join Hamer’s discipleship group/meeting. There were about 5 men and 1 woman from the tribe, our whole gringo team, and all the believers from the nearby village. I had heard from one missionary that worship in some tribes is noticeably lacking joy and well…worship. Wow, was I blessed by this group though!! The group of a ½ a dozen believers from the nearby village are obviously so excited about the Lord and seeing this tribe come to know Christ. The worship was heartfelt and full of loud, boisterous singing and clapping. It was pretty evident that they love to worship and love the Lord! We were asked to share our testimonies a couple seconds
before the service started. Haha, I was praying the whole time that God would give me the words He wanted the people to hear. Hopefully, He did! Worshiping the Lord in the middle of the jungle, with the sound of the jungle in the background, in a dark room, with a mixture of first-generation believers, with three different languages represented, seeing everyone sing their hearts out to the Lord…definitely one of my favorite moments from the trip. So blessed! Sunday, June 16, 2013 |
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